The biggest European flag in my School’s playground!

Pupils created the European flag by using their bodies in School's playground. First, Member of the European Parliament from Slovakia Mr. Boris Zala inaugurated this activity by having a telephone conversation with pupils. After, pupils from all Grades created 12 stars in a circle, like those you can see in the European flag. As you may know the number 12 symbolizes the perfectionism. Many other pupils created four sides of this live-flag. They heard the European hymn, Ode to Joy by Beethoven and they received their gifts from the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia and from the Directorate-General of Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO).

Boris ZALA
- Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament
- Committee on Foreign Affairs

- Subcommittee on Human Rights
- Delegation for relations with South Africa
- Delegation for relations with the Pan-African Parliament

Some of pupils’ questions to Member of the European Parliament, Mr. Zala were the following:

Which countries are planning to join into the EU?
Simona Šupová, 14 years old, Grade 8.A

We know that Turkey has been waiting to join to the European Union for a long time. What do you think about Turkey and the EU?
Alžbeta Javorová, 14 years old, Grade 8.A