On this celebration it was a great honour for our School to hosted the following Members of the European Parliament and employees of European Institutions and Agencies. Pupils prepared some questions which covered many different subjects that are closely related with the EU policies (pollution and climate change, hunger and poverty, international crime and terrorism, volunteering, cybercrime, European emergency number 112, data protection, migrants, cooperation with third countries, fusion energy, Europass, education and training, development aid, sports).
11:00-11:30, Carl Hamrin, Communication Team, Directorate-General of Home Affairs
11:30-12:00, Steven Bainbridge, Senior Expert, Area Research and Policy Analysis, CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
12:00-12:30, Katarína Neved’alová, Member of the European Parliament from Slovakia
- Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament
- Committee on Education and Culture
- Delegation to the EU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan and EU-Uzbekistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees, and for relations with Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia
- Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
- Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
- Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly
- Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
- Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament
- Committee on Education and Culture
- Delegation to the EU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan and EU-Uzbekistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees, and for relations with Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia
- Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
- Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
- Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly
- Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
12:30-13:00, David Ringrose, Head of Communication unit, Directorate-General of Information Society and Media
I joined the European Commission in 1993 from the British Civil Service. I have spent most of my career dealing with the EU's relations with central and eastern Europe, central Asia and the southern Caucasus. I worked in the EC Delegation in Prague from 1997-2001 and managed the Commission's communication strategy in the countries joining the EU for 2 years after that. I was Head of communications for the Commission's external relations DG for 5 years, and took up a similar post in the Information Society and Media DG last year.
13:00-13:30, Antonis Kailis, Public Relations Officer, Office of the European Parliament in Greece/ Katerina Sokoli, Coordinator of Greek Europe Direct Network, Representation of the European Commission in Greece
I joined the European Commission in 1993 from the British Civil Service. I have spent most of my career dealing with the EU's relations with central and eastern Europe, central Asia and the southern Caucasus. I worked in the EC Delegation in Prague from 1997-2001 and managed the Commission's communication strategy in the countries joining the EU for 2 years after that. I was Head of communications for the Commission's external relations DG for 5 years, and took up a similar post in the Information Society and Media DG last year.
13:00-13:30, Antonis Kailis, Public Relations Officer, Office of the European Parliament in Greece/ Katerina Sokoli, Coordinator of Greek Europe Direct Network, Representation of the European Commission in Greece
Some of pupils’ questions at Skype meetings were the following:
Carl Harmin
We have got problem with Roma. How does the European Union solve this problem?
Samuel Bista, 10 years old, Grade 4.A
Osama Bin Laden is dead. Does the European Union have any news about future terrorist attacks? Did he have any reason to become the leader of a terrorist group?
Terézia Hromádková, 11 years old, Grade 5.A
My father is a policeman. Is it a dangerous job in the EU?
Lenka Ružičková, 11 years old, Grade 5.C
Steven Bainbridge
What is the Europass and when I can use it?
Sofia Gelienová, 11 years old, Grade 5.A
Do English teachers teach about Fusion energy?
Klára Zimanová, 14 years old, Grade 8.A
2011 is the European Year of Volunteering. Did you do any voluntary work when you were a child/ a teenager?
Simona Novodomcová, 11 years old, Grade 5.C
My school donates an Ethiopian girl named Birtukam-Lemma-Kassa. Have you ever donated any children to help them?
Lenka Ružičková, 11 years old, Grade 5.C
Katarína Neveďalová
Producing plastic bottles we use lots of oil. Does the European Union find any other way to produce plastic bottles?
Janka Frindtová, 10 years old, Grade 4.B
What do you -Katarína Neveďalová- do in the EU parliament?
Jozef Kabina, 10 years old, Grade 4.B
How does the European Union help other poor countries not to starving?
Michaela Rišňovská, 10 years old, Grade 4.B
David Ringrose
My family and I have got a car accident in Greece . What number should I call? 112 or the national emergency number?
Šimon Hrmo, 12 years old, Grade 6.A
I use both Facebook and Blog. Which one is safer?
Michal Grznár, 12 years old, Grade 6.A
How can singers and music groups fight against cybercrime?
Viktória Beňová, 12 years old, Grade 6.A
Antonis Kailis – Katerina Sokoli
What does the EU do to reduce CO2 emissions?
Šimona Šupová, 14 years old, Grade 8.A
Which countries are waiting for joining into the EU?
Alžbeta Javorová, 14 years old, Grade 8.A